How to Integrate Whatsapp in Your Digital Marketing Strategy

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Did you know that WhatsApp was created by two ex-Yahoo employees in 2009? And it has more than 2 billion active users right now, making it the most popular messaging service in the world.

Considering that such a huge slice of the population is using WhatsApp every single day, you need to start using this messaging service in your digital marketing strategy asap. Unsure of how to implement WhatsApp business as a customer service tool and more? Keep reading to find out.

Using WhatsApp Business to Many Advantages

This is a new service that WhatsApp has rolled out, which has made the lives of customer service managers much easier. With a business profile, you can avail yourself of many advantages. 

Separate Your Business WhatsApp from Personal

If you are an avid user of WhatsApp already, you probably use it to contact your family and friends all over the world. You won't want to mix that with your business communications, as it could result in quite a bit of confusion.

You might even end up mixing up conversations and sending a message to the wrong chat window (for example, asking your customer how their housewarming party went). 

With WhatsApp business, you can get a separate profile that's related only to your business. This is similar to the idea of keeping your business credit card separate from your personal one. 

In this profile, you can set it up so an automated message pops up every time a customer first messages you, with important information. Like:

  • Hours of operation
  • An FAQ page on your website
  • New products for sale
  • And more.

You can also include details on how long it usually takes you to reply to messages from customers, especially if you are stuck in meetings or traveling. 

All these measures can help you improve business communications with your customer. It can help you provide better customer service, and allow your customers to feel closer to you. 

Get Advanced Options like Ads with Business Profile

Another advantage to using WhatsApp business is that you get access to some advanced options that aren't available with the personal profile. Some of these options are:

  • Add all of your company details, such as an address, website, and business description
  • Get improved visibility into the way your messages are sent, received, and read
  • Have access to ads on Whatsapp, which is a new feature but rolling out fast
  • Set up automated messages, so your customers don't wait forever for a reply from you
  • Use the built-in catalog features to showcase all products in your inventory 

Related article: WhatsApp vs. WhatsApp Business: What's the Difference? 

As WhatsApp business gets more popular, more features will be added as dictated by customer demands. This will make your strategy much more efficient and resolutive on this channel.

Allow Payment Handling with WhatsApp Business

You can also start receiving payments from customers through WhatsApp business. In minutes, you can send out a product offer and have payment in your account. It can simplify your sales model quite a bit.

Utilize Broadcast Lists

Another awesome feature of WhatsApp business is that you can add all customers that message you on WhatsApp to a broadcast list. Thus, you can market to them on WhatsApp regularly without ever getting into their email inbox.

If you feel like email marketing isn't working for you anymore, why not use WhatsApp business as an alternative?

You can also create customer personas based on certain criteria and use these personas to send personalized marketing messages. This way, you can hone your marketing efforts. 

Complementary Functions - Use WhatsApp with Other Apps

The ideal way to use your WhatsApp business profile is in conjunction with other social media apps. For example, you might have a profile on Instagram with images of the products you sell. 

Once your customer chooses a product they like, they click on the link on your profile, which directs them to a WhatsApp live chat window. The message is already set to include the product they are interested in.

They already know what it costs, and they are ready to purchase. You send them the payment information, and they send their money across. Once the payment is confirmed, you inform them of all the other details, like shipping times and more. 

Not only that, but you can also invite them to join your email list, so you can send them offers or coupons on future products. Or you can invite them to visit your TikTok profile for funny videos or other informative content. 

In this manner, you are using all the marketing channels in a complementary fashion. 

Add a WhatsApp Chat Button to Your Website

You can also utilize the WhatsApp live chat button to your digital marketing advantage. Let's see some of the varied ways below.

Related article: How to Automate your Communication Strategy on WhatsApp Business

Answer Product Questions Instantly

If you have a website that gets a lot of traffic, but you are having a hard time converting that traffic, it might be because your customers have additional questions that are not getting answered. 

They might be coming to your website searching for a particular item. But even after finding that product, they might have questions about it that are not included in the FAQ section of your website. That might lead them to bounce off your site to go somewhere else to purchase the same item.

With a WhatsApp chat button on your website, your customers have the easy option of clicking on the button, being redirected to the WhatsApp messaging service, and asking their questions in a matter of seconds. 


Once there, you can use Conversational AI (artificial intelligence chatbot) to assist your customers automatically on this channel. This frees you up to do other more important business activities. 

If the customer isn't satisfied with the chatbot's answers, you can always swoop in and answer any niggling questions they might have. You could even offer them a 20% off coupon or some other offer, enticing them to close the deal. 

As you can see, using the WhatsApp chat feature on your website can help you to avoid losing all those customers who were interested in your products but fell off due to a lack of information. 

Provide Better Customer Service

Another important way you can serve your customers using WhatsApp is to provide quick and efficient customer service. They don't have to call a toll-free number anyone and wait for eons to get their call answered. 

All they need to do is message you on WhatsApp, and go about their day. Then they either receive a pingback right away or receive a pingback later in the day when you are available. The delightful thing about this is that they don't have to be stuck on a call listening to terrible music while waiting for your reply. 

Also, they know that once they have sent their message, you will reply to them when you have the time. They don't have to keep on sending you message after message, worried that you didn't receive them. 

Ideally, you will want to reply to them as soon as possible. But if not, make sure you have an automated messaging solution that responds 24/7 to both frequently asked questions and transactional queries such as a purchase status.

You want your customers to know that you are thinking of them, and you will get back to them as soon as you can. With WhatsApp Business, this is easy to do.

This is especially important when their shipments are delayed or their shipment comes in damaged, and they are upset and wish to get answers immediately. You don't want to delay customer service as this could result in their tempers rising and them boycotting your store forever.

Close Sales Using WhatsApp

Your digital marketing strategy is primarily there so you can close sales faster and more efficiently. WhatsApp business can help you do that. 

First, by answering customer inquiries quickly and in a personalized way, you will help speed up the sales process. And, second, both through human agents or a chatbot with artificial intelligence, you can apply up-selling and cross-selling techniques that promote other products or services.

This way, you can close more sales, increase sales, and reduce wasted traffic and leads. 

Are You Ready to Amp up Your Digital Marketing Strategy?

If you haven't thought of WhatsApp as an important tool in your digital marketing strategy toolkit, then you are missing out. Hundreds of businesses are using WhatsApp already to boost customer service, improve sales, and increase satisfactory ratings. 

What are you waiting for? Book a demo today and get started on your new and improved digital marketing strategy using WhatsApp business.

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