Increase sales and improve the customer experience

With the automated conversational journeys of Aivo Suite you will be able to increase your sales by offering your clients a personalized, efficient and decisive experience.

Proactive notifications via WhatsApp

Build lasting relationships with your customers by sending relevant notifications and offers through Engage.

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Natural and fluid conversations

Create human-like experiences with our conversational engine that guarantees modern, instant and effective interactions.

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Frictionless transfer to a livechat agent

Direct the conversation to a live agent whenever your customers need it in a simple, agile way and without leaving the chat window.

Integrated ecosystem with your tech stack

It offers instant and personalized solutions, streamlining customer service processes.

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Create conversational journeys for your financial institution

With Aivo Suite, allow your customers to perform all kinds of financial transactions in a conversational, automated and secure way. Design simple or complex journeys that provide instant resolution and seamless processes.

Conversational AI for e-commerce

Automated Conversational Journeys for Retail / Ecommerce

Lead generation and referral to third-party platforms

Automate the generation of new sales opportunities in your digital channels and refer them to the platform of your choice.

Automated Conversational Journeys for Fintechs and Banking

Locate nearby

With the incorporation of an embedded map in your e-commerce, your customers will find their nearest branch in an instant.

Automated Conversational Journeys for Education and Universities

Proactive ads
on the site

Draw the attention of users where you want to and invite them to perform different actions with a single click.

Automated Conversational Journeys for Telecom

Book calls
and demos

Users will be able to choose when they prefer to receive specialized attention and product demos.

Automated Conversational Journeys for Healthcare

Manage the shopping cart from WhatsApp

Reviewing cart products has never been easier: you don't need to leave WhatsApp to edit, delete or add products.

Automated Conversational Journeys - Utilities

Manage changes and returns

Through automated processes, customers will be able to request changes and returns of products at any time of the day.

Aivo Suite - Automated Conversational Journeys - Chatbot AIAivo Suite - Automated Conversational Journeys - Chatbot AIAivo Suite - Automated Conversational Journeys - Chatbot AI

Queries resolution 24/7

Self-service customer experience in all channels

Solve queries on your website, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and Instagram, and automatically adapt the experience to the capabilities of each channel.

Locate nearby branches
Offer product catalog
Provide online support

Aivo Suite - Automated Conversational Journeys - Chatbot AIAivo Suite - Automated Conversational Journeys - Chatbot AIAivo Suite - Automated Conversational Journeys - Chatbot AI

User management

An efficient assistant for your customers

Help your customers manage their accounts and profile information in a practical way and from any digital communication channel.

Create new users on your website
Reset their passwords
Update contact information, billing and shipping address
Locate purchase history and send invoices

Aivo Suite - Automated Conversational Journeys - Chatbot AIAivo Suite - Automated Conversational Journeys - Chatbot AIAivo Suite - Automated Conversational Journeys - Chatbot AI

Lead generation

A lead generation machine

Request the contact information of your potential clients, qualify leads through conversational flows, and send them automatically to your CRM.

Transform strangers into customers across all digital channels
Schedule meetings and product demos

Aivo Suite - Automated Conversational Journeys - Chatbot AIAivo Suite - Automated Conversational Journeys - Chatbot AIAivo Suite - Automated Conversational Journeys - Chatbot AI

Sales evolution

Your ecommerce’s automated salesperson

Automate products and services communication, boost upselling and cross-selling, and close more deals.

Offer special discounts
Notify customers of a product restock
Proactively communicate launches on WhatsApp
Use web ads to highlight news
Activate the start button and grab attention
Suggest products based on prior interactions
Manage the shopping cart from WhatsApp

After sales care

Conversational after-sales service

Guide your customers throughout the purchase process. Integrate your platforms with Aivo’s solution and provide instant solutions.

Track an order
Update the shipping status proactively
Offer real-time or asynchronous automated technical support
Streamline product return
Request customer feedback and detect opportunities for improvement

Discover TAG's experience

TAG is a Brazilian book allocation club recognized for the quality of its customer service. To further enhance its strategy, the club decided to incorporate automated conversational journeys with Aivo Studio, to cover all stages of the customer journey for effective and potential customers.

Read more stories

“Our service is 24/7 and this is a great gain for our team, an important alternative for the subscriber who wants to clarify a doubt on weekends”

Michelle Stefanello,
Tag Livros Relations Coordinator

Read the full story

“Nuestro servicio es 24/7 y esto es una gran ganancia para nuestro equipo, una alternativa importante para el suscriptor que quiere aclarar una duda los fines de semana”

Michelle Stefanello, Coordinadora de Relaciones de Tag Livros

Lee el caso completo

“Nosso atendimento é 24 horas e isso é um grande ganho para nossa equipe, uma importante alternativa para o assinante que quer tirar dúvidas nos finais de semana”

Michelle Stefanello, Coordenadora de Relacionamento da Tag Livros

Confira mais detalhes

Companies that joined the revolution of the Conversational AI