Chatbots also participate in education

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In a world constantly innovating, education and technology must go hand in hand. Thanks to artificial intelligence and bots, the way of serving students is changing. Because of this, nowadays chatbots also participate in education.

The institutes and universities that rely on chatbots are already experiencing amazing results. Wanna know how they benefit the educational community?

What do students think?

Digital learning tools (DLT) are excellent allies when it comes to automating queries and optimizing time.

79% of university students surveyed by Statista believe that DLTs help teachers and their assistants to be more effective and efficient during classes. On the other hand, 78% think that these instruments allow the balance between personal and academic life. Finally, 81% believe that technologies help improve grades.

With these statistics in mind, incorporating automated Student Service into students’ daily lives is key.

Siglo 21 University sets an example in this matter. With more than 50,000 students, they understand that chatbots are the only way to provide the same high-quality service to all of them.

If students’ experience is improved at the beginning of their career path, their desire to study and learn will increase. Thus, they will start their professional lives with the right foot.

Related article: Artificial Intelligence for Student Service: a virtual assistant at university

Will chatbots be the new tutors?

We could not affirm that. Maybe, in the future, bots could become the new virtual teachers. What we can say is that intelligent chatbots will be the assistants every student and educational institution would like to have.

Why? Because Millennials are the majority among those registered. They live hyperconnected and their behavior is shaped by technology. If they have a question, they want it answered right away.

So, what makes chatbots ideal for this task?

They adapt to students' lifestyle

Whether it's during long study nights or 5-minute breaks between classes, chatbots will be there to answer questions 24/7. Traditional contact channels no longer fit this generation’s lifestyle. Dialing on a phone is as far away as writing a letter.

Automation and self-service are much more aligned with their tastes and habits. Thanks to them, they will have the information available just when they need it. Thus, they can invest their time in improving their academic performance and not waiting in lines in the administrative offices.

They answer a wide range of questions

Students will be able to see schedules, subjects, registration dates for exams, scholarships, methods of payments, help for using the virtual platforms, contact data and more. They will have at their disposal all the key information to have the best educational experience.

They are useful for traditional and online education!

Although it may be obvious, clarifying this is important. Students who study by distance learning will love having conversations with bots. They will no longer have to call or send an email every time they have difficulties with the virtual campus.

By implementing a chatbot, the contact will be much faster and efficient. In addition, they offer enriched answers with images, tutorials and videos that will help solve problems more easily.

They work on digital channels everyone knows

Why not assisting students from the messaging applications they already use every day? Chatbots work on Millennials' preferred devices and screens. In this way, they offer the same experience whether they are contacted via Facebook Messenger, SMS or web chat. That is an omnichannel solution!

Reduce costs and optimize resources

Students are not the only ones who win. Chatbots also reduce the time the Bedelia section devotes to repetitive and simple tasks.

Frustration due to delays in procedures and endless efforts were left behind. The service staff will now be able to focus on advising and guiding students. Bots will take care of the rest.

Related article: How are new generations changing customer service?

How to start?

If you want to start implementing a chatbot in your university or institute and you would like to know the first step, schedule a demo with our sales team!

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