9 ways to increase satisfaction on digital channels

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As some of you may already know, at Aivo we also support our website visitors through a Conversational AI bot. After many years of testing what works and what needs to improve, today we came up with 9 ways to help companies optimize service on their digital channels and increase satisfaction.

1. Listen to your customers. Constructive criticism helps us grow. 

In order to offer a better service, you need to be in touch with reality. Coming up with a strategy to improve the experience is pretty hard, not to mention ineffective, if you're not really aware of your current situation.

Satisfaction surveys make that space for dialogue with your customers so they can rate the experience and share their thoughts about the service they received.

With that information, you can start measuring and analyzing possible ways to provide better service.  

Related article: How to measure customer satisfaction and improve CX 

2. Think strategically and prioritize the most important content.    

You find out your customers have negatively rated the service experience. What do you do?

First, figure out what specific content is affecting service the most. Trying to deal with everything at once is overwhelming.

At Aivo, we use the Satisfaction Score, a learning tool available on our platform for analyzing and improving customer experience. This report evaluates each session's rating and builds a satisfaction score for every uploaded question.

You can use it to identify the top 5 questions with the most negative scores in order to focus your energy on what matters.

To learn more about this tool, here's an interesting blog post about this topic:

Related article: Satisfaction Score: how to improve the experience with data science

3. There’s no single solution for everything. Figure out the best improvement in each case.     

You have the 5 most critical questions for your customer experience. Now it’s time to think: Are the answers clear? Are they taking care of the customer’s issue on the spot?

There are two types of revision you can do:

      • Content

      • Operational - this is for improvements that include automations.

We recommend starting with content revision to make sure the bot’s answer is 100% optimized. If you already did this, you can skip to number 8 to analyze operational improvements.

4. Define who interacts with the bot and put yourself in their shoes.

If you decided content revision is the way to go, the second step is to define what type of audience will be interacting with the bot.

Most organizations use a bot to communicate with their customers, students or affiliates. Normally, most have already figured out their audience’s characteristics, but  if you haven't, ask yourself this:

      • How old is your average customer?

      • What do they do?

      • What will they use the conversational bot for? When will they go to it?

      • What are the main problems to be resolved? 

 5. Tailor the answers to your target audience’s needs. 

Once you define your audience, you have to adapt the bot’s answers to their needs and expectations. So if they're seniors who aren't used to interacting with bots, you can create an answer with tips on the best ways to input a question. Putting an example as a guide is also a good idea.  

On the other hand, if the conversational bot is geared towards young adults who love multitasking, they're probably not even fully paying attention to the conversation. For them, it's better to write short sentences, separating them into brief paragraphs if necessary and highlighting key words.  

Related article: Personalization and empathy: 4 ways to implement them in CX

6. The tone of voice manual will be your greatest ally. 

Since a conversational bot is also part of a company’s communication strategy, creating a tone of voice manual for this channel is super important to align it with how the organization speaks to its customers.

Here's your basic must-have information:

      • Who does the conversational bot talk to? Meaning, the target audience we discussed in number 4.  

      • What does it talk about? Is it an informational bot for undergrad applicants, or does it offer product or service promotions?

      • How does it talk? Is it informal? Is it familiar with customers?

This manual will also really help anyone that's added in to managing the bot.

7. Perfect your answers with interactive complements. 

A lot of times, the bot’s answers need something extra. For that, you can add videos, images, carousels, PDFs, flows, assisted navigation, maps and more. These components will make the answer more appealing and interactive while boosting your problem-solving power.

8. Automate transactional questions and deal with them right away.

Remember we talked about operational improvements?

If the bot's answers are the best they can be but you keep getting negative ratings, it’s time to think about adding automation. Why? Because your customers want to handle an issue immediately without being transferred to another channel or following a bunch of steps in order to get help.

Automations are done through technical integrations with the information or management systems you use.

For example, if a customer's card is blocked and they need to change their PIN, they need to change their PIN. Taking them on tour through different channels only makes the situation worse. They need a practical answer right away.

If you're interested in a case study, read how Banco Comafi implemented automations to improve their answer quality.

Integrations will also let your customers check a line of credit or a credit card balance, find out their order status, schedule an appointment, etc. 

9. Repeat, repeat, repeat.  

Like so much in life, learning from customers and improving the service experience is a process. Some implemented actions will work, and others you’ll have to adjust little by little.

Analyze performance reports, evaluate survey ratings again and see if there were changes in the experience after implementing the modifications. Based on that information, continue perfecting the experience.  

Long story short, what's important is constantly working to discover new and better ways to give customers the service they're looking for.  

If you’d like to learn more about any of these strategies, or if you want to know how an automated AI solution can improve your customer satisfaction, contact us.

Are you looking for new ways to improve your CX?

Our customer service solutions powered by conversational AI can help you deliver an efficient, 24/7 experience  to your customers. Get in touch with one of our specialists to further discuss how they can help your business.