Best case of global expansion
Best strategy redefinition during COVID-19
We meet the team behind The Hand, Grupo Petersen’s conversational bot! Martín Frascaroli talks to Luciana della Croce, Leandro González and Martín Nascimbene.
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Best transactional experience
Martín Frascaroli talks to Kyra Arcia Marcano and Ronald Romero from Banco Bolivariano. Also, Eduardo Solano from Genesys joins the conversation to talk about the integration between Aivo and Genesys.
Best case of exponential growth
In august 2020, BBVA launched their conversational bot in their home banking, increasing their sessions by 100% (reaching up to 400k monthly sessions!).
Best sales strategy
Martín Frascaroli talks to Ana Merlo Almeida, Digital Marketing Coordinator at General Motors, about the sales strategy behind Chevy, their conversational bot.
Best bot’s personality
We meet Olivia, ADT’s conversational bot, with Gustavo Volonterio, Director of Omnichannel.
Best bot for non-profits
Martín Frascaroli talks to María Martín, Director of Communications at Argentina’s Red Cross, about the bot’s implementation during the pandemic.
Martín Frascaroli talks to Alex Barrera, Vice President at Zendesk Latin America, about lessons we learned in 2020 and CX trends for the following years.
Everton Alves talks to Francisco Chang, Senior Director, Partner Sales Latin America at Zendesk, about the lessons of 2020 in CX and his expectations for the future.
Mejor caso de expansión global
Martin Frascaroli conversa con Luciana Della Croce, Chief Digital Officer, sobre la experiencia de Grupo Petersen redefiniendo su estrategia durante la pandemia.
Mejor caso de expansión global
Martin Frascaroli conversa con Luciana Della Croce, Chief Digital Officer, sobre la experiencia de Grupo Petersen redefiniendo su estrategia durante la pandemia.
Mejor redefinición de estrategia durante la pandemia
Mejor experiencia transaccional
Mejor implementación de WhatsApp
Mejor estrategia de ventas
Mejor personalidad del bot
Mejor bot para ONG