Automate your customer service on WhatsApp

Complete your conversational journeys with 24/7 customer support on the world's most widely used messaging platform.


countries use WhatsApp

1 M+

automated conversations by Aivo


of solved queries

In Aivo, we are:

WhatsApp Business Solution Providers

And for this, we can guarantee

Connection between platforms quickly, without interference and without the need to hire extra equipment

Control over all aspects of the account from our platform (quality, message limit, templates, and more)

Priority communication of news and updates on functionalities

Automate your customers' favorite channel

If your customers love WhatsApp, why not respond to them there too? Whether they write or send audio, AgentBot understands the intent behind their questions and answers them instantly, any time of day.

In addition, you can manage knowledge and design the experience in a simple way, without the need to know how to code, thanks to our simple and intuitive no-code platform.

Discover AgentBot

Offer solutions instantly by WhatsApp

Integrations make the difference between a seamless conversation that solves problems and a series of generic responses that simply respond.

With conversational journeys you will be able to connect Aivo with different platforms to offer a comprehensive experience, with instant and decisive responses for each particular case.

Discover Studio

Start proactive conversations with your customers

Sometimes you have to be the one to take the first step. Create communication campaigns with Engage, Aivo's no-code tool to start conversations through proactive messages on WhatsApp.

Disseminate relevant promotions and card upgrades, update your customers on the status of a service or prevent fraud by notifying logins.

Discover Engage

Complement WhatsApp with human attention

If the questions are complex, human intelligence makes the difference. Transfer the session from WhatsApp to live chat solutions and resolve the most delicate queries with the dedication they deserve.

Discover Live
Decompress phone traffic

Direct telephone inquiries directly from the IVR center to the company's WhatsApp Business account.

Offer solutions based on the location of users

Read the user's geolocation and suggest nearby stores, ATMs, or bank branches.

Increase your sales automatically

Generate leads and apply up-selling and cross-selling techniques through WhatsApp.

WhatsApp Banking:
Conversational Journeys also for Banking

Solve transactional queries through your preferred channel
Receive important information in an agile and accessible way
Keep your privacy and your data 100% safe

Discover more solutions for the financial industry

Leading companies choose to communicate by WhatsApp

Read more stories

“Our alliance with Aivo allows us to offer a secure means for our clients to manage their relationship where, how and when they want without coming to the bank. WhatsApp adoption has been truly amazing, reaching over 250,000 queries in less than 2 months”

Kyra Arcia - Innovation and Marketing Manager at Banco Bolivariano

Read the full story

“Our focus is on expanding the integration of services in such a way that it allows us to develop 100% problem-solving experiences from the bot itself, avoiding referrals to other service channels, adding added value to our digital processes and applying the WhatsApp channel as a priority. since it allows us to identify our clients and provide them with a transactional set that resolves 80-20 of the most recurring queries just a chat away”

Fabián Mealla - Comafi Digital Banking Manager

Read the full story

“We work very hard with the WhatsApp project. Our channels were already easily accessible, but WhatsApp is even more so, since it is a very common tool today, with wide access and we do not have to teach the client how to use it. This reduces our abandon queue, and the analyst can handle up to three simultaneous chats”

Roberta Vorago - TOTVS Support Coordinator

Read the full story

“Nuestra alianza con Aivo nos permite ofrecer un medio seguro para que nuestros clientes manejen su relación dónde, cómo y cuándo quieran sin venir al banco. La adopción de WhatsApp ha sido realmente asombrosa, alcanzando más de 250,000 consultas en menos de 2 meses."

Kyra Arcia Marcano - Gerente de Innovación y Mercadeo en Banco Bolivariano

Lee el caso completo

“Nuestro foco está puesto en ampliar la integración de servicios de forma tal que nos permita desarrollar experiencias 100% resolutivas desde el mismo bot, evitando la derivación a otros canales de atención, sumando valor agregado a nuestros procesos digitales y aplicando el canal WhatsApp como prioritario, ya que nos permite identificar a nuestros clientes y brindarles un set transaccional que resuelve el 80-20 de las consultas más recurrentes a un solo chat de distancia.”

Fabián Mealla - Digital Banking Manager de Comafi

Lee el caso completo

“Trabajamos muy duro con el proyecto de WhatsApp. Nuestros canales ya eran de fácil acceso, pero WhatsApp lo es aún más, ya que es una herramienta muy común hoy en día, con amplio acceso y que no debemos enseñarle al cliente cómo usarla. Esto reduce nuestra cola de abandono, y el analista puede manejar hasta tres chats simultáneos.”

Roberta Vorago - Coordinadora de Soporte de TOTVS

Lee el caso completo

“Nossa aliança com a Aivo nos permite oferecer um meio seguro para nossos clientes administrarem seu relacionamento onde, como e quando quiserem, sem precisar ir ao banco. A adoção do WhatsApp tem sido realmente incrível, alcançando mais de 250.000 consultas em menos de 2 meses."

Kyra Arcia Marcano - Gerente de Inovação e Marketing do Banco Bolivariano

Leia o caso

“Nosso foco é ampliar a integração de serviços de forma que nos permita desenvolver experiências 100% solucionáveis ​​a partir de um mesmo bot, evitando encaminhamentos para outros canais de atendimento, agregando valor aos nossos processos digitais e aplicando o canal WhatsApp como um priority. , já que nos permite identificar nossos clientes e fornecer a eles um conjunto transacional que resolve 80-20 das consultas mais recorrentes com apenas um bate-papo.”

Fabián Mealla - Gerente de Banco Digital da Comafi

Leia o caso

“Trabalhamos muito com o projeto WhatsApp. Nossos canais já eram facilmente acessíveis, mas o WhatsApp é ainda mais, pois hoje é uma ferramenta muito comum, com amplo acesso e não temos que ensinar o cliente a usar. Isso reduz nossa fila de abandono, e o analista pode atender até três chats simultâneos.”

Roberta Vorago - Coordenadora de Suporte TOTVS

Leia o caso

What you need to know before implementing WhatsApp

What do I need to automate WhatsApp Business?

To automate customer service through this channel, WhatsApp Business must verify your business account. To do this, you must comply with the Facebook Commerce Policies. This is the only way to connect to the official WhatsApp Business API. If you think your brand qualifies, Aivo helps you manage the process.

On the other hand, you need a number with which to operate. You can check the WhatsApp information about numbers to know all the details.

Finally, we recommend performing the Business Manager verification. Although it is not mandatory to register a number, those who do not have this validation will face a series of restrictions (they will not be able to obtain the green tick, access more than two numbers connected to WhatsApp, initiate more than 50 outgoing conversations with users in 24 hours, among others).

Is it necessary to have a verified account (green tick) to be able to operate?

It is not a requirement to have an official company account to automate attention on WhatsApp with Aivo. However, if you want to see the green tick next to your brand, you can apply to WhatsApp for an official WhatsApp Business account.

Can I change my WhatsApp Business provider and keep my number?

Companies that are already working with another Business Solution Provider and want to choose Aivo as their new provider can perform the numerical migration in a simple way, keeping their number, display name, quality rating, message limits, account status, and the template messages.

What kind of conversations can I have with my clients on WhatsApp?

There are two types of possible conversations in WhatsApp: those initiated by the user -that is, when your customers send the first message-, and those initiated by the company through message templates. You can learn more about this second option on the Engage page.

How do I create a WhatsApp message template?

Engage, Aivo's platform to start conversations with customers, has a section to create and manage message templates in a simple and fully self-managing way.


Revolutionize customer experience with AI

If your customers love WhatsApp, why not serve them there as well? Whether they send a text or a voice message, the bot understands the intention behind their questions and answers them instantly, at any time of day.


Conversational AI for modern interactions

Conversational artificial intelligence is the difference between a fluid, problem-solving conversation and a series of generic answers. Our bot understands everyday language, common mistakes and regionalisms to ensure effective communication.

An AI WhatsApp chatbot sends a template message with a notification to a customer letting him know his order is delayed.


Send reminders and notifications

Sometimes, you have to be the one to take the first step. Create communication campaigns with Engage, a no-code tool to start conversations through proactive messages. Notify customers of product restock, relevant discounts and offers, or send service alerts.

The Aivo platform offers pre-assembled packages with content according to industries or events to download for free to the bot.


Transfer phone queries to WhatsApp Business

Shorter waiting times means faster solutions. Aivo transfers phone calls from the call center's IVR to the company’s WhatsApp Business channel, easing phone traffic.


Personalized service based on geolocation

Save your customers time and give them the answer they need. The conversational bot can receive the user’s geolocation, interpret it, and provide location-based suggestions, such as products’ quotes, stores nearby or ATMs, and then transfer the session to an agent to confirm a purchase.


Instant human assistance

If the questions are complex, human intelligence makes all the difference. Transfer the session from WhatsApp Business to live chat solutions such as Live or Genesys and solve the most complicated queries with the attention they deserve.

Learn about Live

Violet Arrow pointing right for links
No-code, simple, intuitive platform

Manage knowledge and design the experience easily, no programming skills necessary. You can add questions manually, import them from Excel or Zendesk Guide, or download a package of pre-made content, edit it when you want, and publish it across all your channels.

Automatic support tickets

Accelerate support troubleshooting. AgentBot integrates seamlessly with Zendesk Support so that you can add forms to your answers and create tickets automatically.

“Our alliance with Aivo allows us to provide a safe way for our customers to decide where, when, and how they want to interact with us, without coming to the bank in person. Implementing WhatsApp has been really amazing, and we’ve had more than 250,000 queries in under 2 months”.

Kyra Arcia Marcano  - Innovation and Marketing Manager at Banco Bolivariano

What you need to know before implementing WhatsApp Business

What do I need to connect a bot to WhatsApp Business?

To automate Customer Service through this channel, WhatsApp Business must approve your company’s account. To do this, you must comply with Facebook’s Commerce Policies. This is the only way to connect to the official WhatsApp Business API. If you think your brand meets the requirements, Aivo helps you manage the process.

Do I need a verified account (green check mark) to be able to operate?

All accounts can be registered; it is not a requirement to have an Official Business Account. But if you want to see the green check mark next to your brand, Aivo can assist you in this matter. In this case, WhatsApp Business will ask you for a minimum of messages exchanged per month.

Can I change providers and keep my number?

Companies that are already working with another Business Solutions Provider and want to choose Aivo as their new provider can migrate their number and also keep their display name, quality rating, message limits, account status, and the template messages (High Quality Message templates) already approved.